Thursday, May 23, 2013

AP Latin Required Syllabus

Required Syllabus for the AP 2012-2013 school year

Required Readings in Latin Vergil, Aeneid
Book 1: Lines 1–209, 418–440, 494–578
Book 2: Lines 40–56, 201–249, 268–297, 559–620 Book 4: Lines 160–218, 259–361, 659–705
Book 6: Lines 295–332, 384–425, 450–476, 847–899

Caesar, Gallic War
Book 1: Chapters 1–7
Book 4: Chapters 24–35 and the first sentence of Chapter 36 (Eodem die legati ... venerunt.)
Book 5: Chapters 24–48 Book 6: Chapters 13–20

Required Readings in English 

Vergil, Aeneid
Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12

Caesar, Gallic War 
Books 1, 6, 7


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